Katelyn really enjoyed going out to the beach each morning and then playing in the pool everyday. She would say "beach" or "pool" depending on which we were going to. She was content to sit under the canopy and play in the sand with her cousins or to go out in the water with her Daddy or Mommy or one of her fun uncles. She had a great time jumping the waves and letting the water rush over her feet. This is a big change from last year when she cried every time the water came near her. She also liked to hold our hands and walk on the sand. There was one morning that apparently she wanted to go the pool and not the beach, and she was very unhappy to be out there.
She ate pretty well during the week. She even tried some grilled grouper and really liked it. We are trying to teach her about using her inside voice because she can get really loud at mealtimes especially while waiting for our food at restaurants. Katelyn's Aunt Laura and I took Judson and Katelyn down to Seaside one day to try out the story time. They got to ride in a little attached car behind the bike. They really enjoyed the bike ride.
Katelyn said just about everyone's name during the week. She even said Gandmama a couple of times. She loved to say her uncles' names over and over. It was pretty funny! She was highly entertained all week by her family, especially all of her cousins. We left on Saturday to drive home and it took us 8 hours to get home because of at least 3 detours. To say the least Katelyn had a hard time. She clapped her hands when we stopped for lunch probably because she was so happy to be out of the car and she was hungry : ) It was a long ride home. We had a wonderful trip and can't wait till next year!
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